Common Rare Diseases

The diagnosis is the most nerve wrecking part of the disease. Inform yourself of the warning signs to make things easier!
Get your newborn screened asap!

Rare diseases are not as rare as you think! Thankfully we have a new technology that can help detect them before it’s too late…
Neha Periwal PhD.

Researcher at Vgenomics. During her time at Jamia Hamdard, she gained exposure in both applying machine learning as well as deep learning techniques which can be applied to parse datasets in multiple omics fields.
Abhinav Kaushik PhD.

Our US based scientific advisor is currently a Researcher at Harvard University with the T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He has done extensive research into T cell immunity and provides valuable insight to the team.
Abdul Khalique PhD.

Our scientific advisor based in the US is currently a research scientist at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Previously at NIH, as a professor, he accumulated over a decade of research experience including the field of rare diseases.
Preeti Gupta Lal PhD.

Chief Scientific Officer (CSO). She has 150 plus patents and boasts 30+ years of research experience in translational medicine, data science and clinical biomarker implementation.
Template for researchers
Template for researchers
Rahila Sardar PhD.

Founder and CEO of Vgenomics. Notably, she was among the first researchers to publish a paper on COVID-19 in India, underscoring her commitment to addressing pressing global health concerns.
Birth Plan

A new method of communication between mothers and Doctors- a Birth Plan is a must have in the delivery room!
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